Shingi (清規)

Shingi (Monastic regulations in the Zen Sect), which is formally called Shojodaikaishu kikujunjo, is the regulations of a group of the Zen sect (a sect of Buddhism).

It is said to have been established by Hyakujo Ekai (in Pinyin, Baizhang Huaihai) in the middle of the Tang Dynasty of China. Based on the preceding religious precepts, it was established principally as the rules by which to maintain group life, which were suitable for the Zen sect organization that had established the self-sufficiency system, which was exceptional for a Buddhist organization.

Regrettably, this Baizhang shingi, called "Hyakujo Shingi" (The Regulations of Baizhang), was scattered and lost, but its fragments were compiled again into "Hyakujo Koshingi" (Original Version of Baizhang's Pure Rules), which is handed down to us today.

Variations on shingi

"Eihei shingi" (Eihei Rules of Purity): Written by Dogen

"Keizan Shingi" (Keizan Monastic Regulations)

"Obaku Shingi" (Obaku Monastic Regulations)

"Zenen Shingi" (Zenen Monastic Regulations): Written by Genryu KAGAMISHIMA and others, and published by the Religious Affairs Agency of the Soto Zen sect.

[Original Japanese]