Jinposho (神鳳鈔)

Jinposho is a list of various districts of Ise-jingu Shrine (both Naiku (the inner shrine) and Geku (the outer shrine)) territory.

It is recorded in the first volume of "Gunsho ruiju" (Collection of historical documents compiled by Hokiichi HANAWA). It is said that the beginning of writing the original work started in 1193 and followed by addition of postscript, the original work had completed and reported in 1360. The manuscript was made in 1650. It is recorded that a book by Hirotaka YASHIRO and a book by Azumao FUKUSHIMA, who was from Adachi Country of Bushu (Musashi Province) were collated with a book by Takakiyo ONO as the main text when recording in "Gunsho ruiju"(Collection of historical documents compiled by Hokiichi HANAWA). It is also told to be revised in 1853. The original book does not exist today and it was executed after correction, as there were differences in the manuscript.

The oldest manuscript that exists today is the one owned by Ise-jingu Shrine written by Ujitsune ARAKIDA, Negi (Shinto priest) of Naiku in Muromachi era.

The territories of Ise-jingu Shrine are written as Kanbe (territories of shrines), Mikuriya (manors of Imperial family and powerful shrines), Misono (territories that cultivated vegetables offered to god), Kanda (rice fields owned by shrines) and Myoden (a rice field in a manor or Kokugaryo (territories managed by provincial government) which were named with its owner's name) and they are concentrated in Ise Province, where the Ise-jingu Shrine is located. Thus, in the main part, the detailed descriptions are given for each state regarding Ise Province.

*Regarding Ise-Jingu territory, it is mentioned in some documents such as Jingu miscellany and Okami (God) miscellany.

[Original Japanese]