Myoryu (妙竜)

Myoryu (August 11, 1705-July 5, 1786) was a priest of Shingon Ritsu sect in the middle of the Edo period. His secular surname was SENGOKU. His priestly name was Unrenshakuge. Myoryu was born in Mino Province. He was the fifth chief priest of Kosho-ji Temple in Owari Province (present-day Nagoya City).

Myoryu learned religious precept from 岱梁 at Choan-ji Temple in Mino Province, and received Shidokagyo (four trainings) of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism at the age of 15. When he became 17 years old, Myoryu entered Yagoto Mountain Kosho-ji Temple and received Gusokukai (taking the full precepts), then was bestowed Jisho (document with the emperor's seal) from Jodo sect Chinzei-ha Shirahata-ryu School in the same year. At the age of 30, Myoryu became the fifth chief priest of Yagoto Mountain Kosho-ji Temple. Throughout his life, Myoryu devoted himself to study Esoteric Buddhism, religious precept, and Jodo (Pure Land) sect, expending his effort for their revival.

[Original Japanese]